Welcome to SpywareKillers.info!

SpywareKillers.info is the place to go for free tools to remove spyware, adware, and viruses from your computer.


These are the tools we use every day to keep pc's clean.

All of the software you'll find here is free for personal use, i.e. on your computer at home. Some of the tools can also be used for free on your business computer too, but you need to check the license terms at each site.


SpywareKillers.info was created to help our clients, family, and friends fix problems caused by spyware, adware, and viruses.

Over time, we've found some excellent tools to remove spyware, but no central place to check for updates, announcements, etc. To make it easier, we've gathered links to all the tools we use and recommend. There's also an Update page so you can get the latest information available from each software publisher.

Also, because there are some unscrupulous sites that try to trick you into downloading or buying software that doesn't do anything, or worse, is really spyware, we test every tool we can find. If we use it, it's here. No scams, no junk, no spyware!


SpywareKillers.info is sponsored and maintained by computingconsultants.com


We respect your privacy. Our privacy policy has the details.